Mitsubishi car stereo is the code to solve the current problem of theft. With the progress of science and technology knowledge are made easy to remove the car radio and batteries. In 1990, Mitsubishi introduced the product, was crowned the problem. This provides safety and consumer protection.
Mitsubishi car stereo is the symbol of the anti-theft security code, you can help the car radio. It is understood that the symbol in a different name; radio icon, icons, theft, anti-theft locks, security code, or decode the open. All radio stations are given a serial number prefix "Sir or MB", to achieve this code, a serial number sent to the manufacturers in the World Health Organization in an e-mail open your code.

Serial number of the radio in the chassis to achieve it, you must remove the radio. To know the code or keep a the same. No one should leave a copy in the car or in convenient places, which is to reduce the chance that may interfere with unauthorized persons. Stereo important, especially when faced with a dead battery or a separate battery. This helps the development of the automotive industry is closely related to service our customers.
Mitsubishi car audio Daima guidance to its clients, it is very easy for all to use, it also has a "secret stereo unlock code" that is, only know its owner, which is used to open the car stereo. It guarantees security and the relationship between owners, the Company and the car maintained. Mitsubishi has been working with digital technology to provide products to meet customer needs and keep them informed through brochures and the Internet
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